Wings of Escape

A poem.

2 min readSep 1, 2023

Sometimes I want to assume a birds nature and fly away. I want to perch on soils where my fathers name does not echo. Where my face resembles no one. A place where expectations come to die and where to whom much is given is expected to give nothing back.

Listen, I seek a shore where I’d carry my sins without it stings on the back of my family. A place where I can drink the sun and bear its burns. A place where I can swim in the winter and shiver with a smile

Is there such a place where God exists but doesn’t make men wait? A place where I could understand His ways without pain? Take me there and watch my burdens turn to ashes. If my feet ever lands on such a place, I will find beauty in the lilies. I will stare at destiny will so much glee knowing that within it’s cloaks there are no mysteries only treasures.

But, such a place only exists within the frames of a madman. It’s in a madman’s world that repercussions bear no meaning. In this world, shame and guilt never became. Within the borders of this world joy and chaos wear the same face.

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