To the Wife of my Youth: Do not Love Me…

2 min readSep 2, 2023


Photo by Drew Coffman on Unsplash

Hey, Do not love me from a place of insecurities. A place where you have accepted that you are not enough so you look to me to arouse the reassurance that you are sufficient. Listen, self assurance does not reside in the house of another man.

Do not love me because your biological clocks ticks with bolt’s speed. Do not hurry your love. Water it . Let it grow — Let it watch me. Let it take its time to measure its satisfaction with answers from me on why I deserve a room in your heart. Do not let the prying eyes and running lips of relatives push you into my arms. Study me and listen to the yearning of thy heart.

Do not love me from a place of potential. Give me your youth because of who I am now. Do not come with love as an investment for who I will become. Expectation is a vicious killer.

Do not love me with a lie. Undress all you have been through. Walk me through the alleys of your scars. Name your scars before me and I will kiss them. They are part of the story that is called by your name.

Do not love me from a place of fear. Collapse into me. Do not stagger, do not fret. I do not bear the same mission as the ones that left. I do not come with chaos. I do not come with shaky knees and stuttering lips — I come bold.

Do not give me the love reserved only for our Father. I am just as limited as you are and it is only Jesus that can fill certain voids. I do not deserve such affections, He does. He is the sweetener you need not me. So send packages of love His way — my address is no home for it.



