Boulevard of Broken Skin.

2 min readAug 13, 2023


Photo by Hamid Tajik on Unsplash

In the mirror’s gaze, a tale unfolds
Of battles fought and stories untold
A teenager’s journey, marked by strife
A canvas of skin, a tumultuous life.

Acne’s cruel embrace
a relentless foe, Upon youthful cheeks, its shadows grow.
Tiny mountains rise, a bumpy terrain,
A constant reminder, a visible pain.

But listen, dear heart, for strength lies within,
Beneath the skin’s surface, where stories begin
Each blemish and scar, a chapter so bold,
A testament to the battles you hold.

The mirror may whisper doubts and fears,
Yet your spirit’s resilience, like shining tears,
Reflects a spirit, fierce and bright,
A warrior in darkness, seeking the light.

The struggles you face, they shape your soul,
Polishing you into someone whole
For beauty transcends what the eyes can see,
It’s the strength you carry, the spirit set free.

In the tapestry of time, this moment’s small,
A fragment of life’s grand mural on the wall
Embrace your journey, flaws and grace,
For you are a masterpiece, a unique embrace.

So, chin up brave soul, let your story be told,
In the ink of your heart, in letters of gold
You’re more than your struggles, more than the pain,
A blossoming soul in a world of rain.

And as time marches on, remember this verse,
A reminder of strength, a poetic nurse
Your battles with acne, a chapter in youth,
A testament to growth, to resilience, to truth.

